About Me

I am a PhD candidate in Economics at King’s Business School and also affiliated with the QCGBF, where I hold a doctoral research studentship.

I recently spent four months as a PhD trainee at the European Central Bank at the International Policy Analysis Division of the Directorate General International and European Relations.

My supervisors are Prof. George Kapetanios and Prof. Francesca Monti.

Prior to embarking on a PhD, I worked for two years in the Business Cycle Analysis Division of the Directorate General Economics of the European Central Bank.

You can download my CV.

  • Time series econometrics
  • Applied macroeconomics
  • Business cycles
  • PhD in Economics

    King's College London

  • MSc in Economics

    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

  • BSc in Economics

    National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Work in Progress
Policy Papers
(2021). COVID-19 and the increase in household savings: an update. ECB Economic Bulletin.
(2020). Disentangling aggregate and sectoral shocks. ECB Economic Bulletin.